The life of the Buddha was filled with hardship and challenges. After growing up in a privileged household and discovering that the world outside was full of suffering, he embarked on a quest for enlightenment.

Adversity can make us stronger, but it often feels like an attack on our being rather than a test of our spirit. When we are faced with hardship or feel weak, these Buddha quotes on strength help us find the courage to keep going.

The Lotus is one of the most potent flowers in nature; it grows from the muck of ponds and wetlands. It has no visible roots but continues to grow and flourish above water without fail.

The Lotus signifies strength, resilience, and faithfulness even under challenging circumstances. A strong person doesn’t give up easily – they will always find ways to continue growing and pushing themselves until they get what they want. Here are inspiring quotes about strength from Buddha:

No one is flawless; honestly, they could never be. Nobody can do everything alone, and there are always situations in which we can use a helping hand. If you know, you need help but are too proud to ask, you could miss out on opportunities and friendships that could have changed your life. Be aware that there is no shame in asking for help and that you’re not alone – almost everyone experiences the desire for assistance at some point.

Build Your Mental Strength

The greatest obstacle to finding strength is our mental state and how we view the world. We often have a negative approach, which prevents us from finding stability and learning from challenges.

You could control the world around you. To gain strength and improve your life, you must change your mental state and see challenges as opportunities to grow and strengthen. Learn how to grow stronger from your failures.

If you fail to achieve something, don’t let that discourage you. Use it as a reminder and find success in life. These are examples of how to build mental strength and find strength in the face of adversity.

Take Care of Your Body

The strongest person on the planet is a healthy person. While mental strength is essential, physical health is vital to finding strength and courage. When you take care of your body, you prevent disease, illness, and other health issues that could prevent you from achieving your goals and finding strength in life.

Get adequate sleep every night, maintain a balanced and healthy diet, and engage in frequent exercise. Your body is your most valuable instrument and is necessary for developing and preserving strength.


Finding strength often involves looking within ourselves and learning to face our fears and shortcomings. The key to finding strength is to persevere and never give up. If you keep trying to achieve your goals, you will find success eventually. You try again and again no matter how many times you fail because when you find success, it will be sweeter than you can ever imagine. These Buddha quotes on strength will help you see the courage and strength you need to succeed in life.

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