Whether you’re dealing with a challenging situation or just feeling like you need a reminder, Buddha has some great quotes about strength. These snippets of wisdom from one of history’s most famous peace-loving Buddhist leaders will have you thinking about strength in a new light. An illness must be cured; if a friend has fallen, he must be assisted; if an enemy has risen, he must be checked; and if danger lurks somewhere, it must be avoided as quickly as possible.

The life of the Buddha is full of examples of how we can find strength in any situation. In addition to being one of the most inspiring figures in history, Siddhartha Gautama was quite a realist when recognizing the challenges of existence. He knew that everyone struggles at some point in life and that we must always keep that in mind. The following quotes by Buddha on how to be assertive will help give you strength when you feel weak.

Change your perspective

When things feel overwhelming, it can be helpful to gain some perspective on the situation. While no situation is ever truly “overwhelming,” when we feel like we don’t have control over our lives, it can be easy to slip into despair. Imagine your life as a timeline to acquire perspective on it.

When you look at your life as a timeline, you can see how much has happened, but it can also be easy to see how much is left. By looking at your whole life as one timeline, you can quickly identify the challenges you’ve overcome in your life and the challenges you’re currently facing. It forces you to acknowledge that the current challenges in your life are just a tiny part of a much larger timeline of your life.

Remember, you have a choice.

It can be easy to feel like you don’t have a choice when you’re in a challenging situation. You may feel like external factors control your life, but this is rarely the case.

Even when it feels like your only option is to quit your job or end a relationship, there is almost always a third option. It can be helpful to remind yourself that you always have a choice. You may not think you do, but you always have the opportunity to choose how you react to any situation.

Find your strength by helping others.

One of the best ways to find your strength and use it to help others. When you’re helping others, you’ll find that you have the energy and power you need to get through your challenges.

You’ll discover that assisting others may divert attention from your difficulties. You’ll also find that you have more energy to get through your daily life because you won’t be so preoccupied with your problems. By helping others, you’ll also find that you have more time.


When you feel weak, it can be easy to fall into despair. However, as these quotes by Buddha on how to be strong show, there are many ways to find strength when you feel like you don’t have any left. By changing your perspective, not taking things too personally, remembering you have a choice, taking care of yourself physically and mentally, and finding your strength by helping others, you will be better equipped to handle challenging situations.

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