Tenet of Buddhism │Guide to the Basic Principles of Buddha│What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddha

Buddhism is a religion and way of life. It teaches us to be compassionate, to live peacefully with others, and to lead a good life. The tenets of Buddhism are set out in the Buddha Four Noble Truths: Suffering exists; there is a cause for this suffering; suffering can be ended; and ending suffering requires following the Eightfold Path.

Buddhism promotes non-violence, compassion, love and understanding. It encourages us to think about the world around us with an open mind. We are encouraged not just to believe in God but also to do good work on our own behalf – we should act positively towards others and improve those around us by being honest, tolerant and kind.

What Are Buddhism Basic Beliefs and Tenets?

An Introduction to the Tenet of Buddhism

The foundations of Buddhism are divided between the buddhafour noble truths and the eightfold path. The middle way is defined as a path that avoids extremes on either side of the truth, and is another basic tenet of Buddhism.

Buddha Four Noble Truths

The buddha four noble truths are:

  1. Life is suffering;
  2. Suffering has a cause;
  3. The cause of suffering can be eliminated;
  4. The elimination of suffering requires following certain practices.

The Main Tenet of Buddhism

  1. The Buddha is a teacher who has attained enlightenment. He has shown us the path to enlightenment, and he wants us to follow it. This path consists of right view (right understanding), right thought (right intention), right speech (right action), and right livelihood (right effort).
  2. The world we inhabit is full of suffering because there is attachment to things we want or dislike. We should try to avoid these attachments.
  3. Life is suffering because it ends after death with no more consciousness or awareness. We must work together with other people to thrive as a society.

The Three Jewels (Teachings from Buddha)

Buddhism uses the Three Jewels as its foundation for ethical conduct and salvation. Buddhists hold that the Three Gems consist of the Buddha (called the Awakened One), the Dharma (the various teachings of the Buddha), and the Sangha (the monastic community). The Three Jewels are closely related in Buddhist tradition, with each being tied to one of three levels in relation to an individual’s search for spiritual awakening. The Three Gems are considered to be sacred because it represents what is most precious in Buddhism – a way out of suffering.

The Takeaway

Buddhism’s message is one of peace, nonviolence and compassion. The belief in karma is fundamental to Buddhist thought. By encouraging believers to live lives of generosity and doing good deeds they hope to avoid negative consequences within their next reincarnation. Buddhists believe that all living things have a spark of the divine, meaning they are equal in the eyes of Buddha.

You should note that these are neither the only values of Buddhists, nor exhaustive in regards to what they believe. Though they are a complete list, they provide an excellent overview of the ideology of Buddhism.

References: Buddhism | National Geographic Society

Buddhism: | Infoplease

Basics of Buddhism (pbs.org)

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