Pashupatinath Temple Timings: Darshan Timing And Puja Rate 

Pashupatinath Temple Darshan

As dawn breaks over the ancient city, the temple complex comes alive with the rhythmic chanting of hymns and the flickering flames of thousands of oil lamps. Dressed in their finest attire, devotees queue patiently, their faces filled with anticipation and reverence. The air vibrates with a palpable sense of devotion, a testament to the enduring power of faith that binds this diverse community.

The journey to the inner sanctum is a spectacle in itself. The intricate carvings on the golden pagoda, the vibrant murals depicting scenes from Hindu mythology, and the fragrant offerings of flowers and incense create a visually stunning tapestry of faith. As the queue progresses, the anticipation mounts, culminating in a hushed silence as devotees finally stand before the Jyotirlingam.

In that moment, the world fades away. The only reality is the luminous lingam, radiating divine energy that penetrates the depths of the soul. Tears well up in the eyes of many, overcome with emotion as they receive the blessings of Lord Shiva. The darshan is not just a fleeting glimpse but a profound encounter with the divine, offering a sense of peace, renewal, and spiritual awakening.

Beyond the Jyotirlingam, the temple complex pulsates with life. Adorned in saffron robes, Sadhus engage in contemplative practices, sharing their wisdom with eager seekers. Priests perform intricate rituals, each step imbued with meaning and tradition. The air hums with the recitation of mantras, creating a powerful sonic landscape that echoes through the soul.

For many, the darshan experience at Pashupatinath extends beyond the temple walls. The sacred Bagmati River, flowing alongside the complex, serves as a witness to countless life journeys. The ghats, where cremation rituals are performed, offer a poignant reminder of the impermanence of life and the cycle of rebirth.

The darshan at Pashupatinath is an experience that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. It is a journey of self-discovery, a chance to connect with something larger than oneself and to find solace and peace amidst the world’s chaos. It is a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle of life, a sacred space exists where faith, devotion, and spirituality reign supreme.

Pashupatinath Temple Timings

Here are the current timings for the Pashupatinath Temple:


General Timings:

  • Opening: 4:00 AM
  • Closing: 9:00 PM

Inner Temple Area:

  • Open: 4:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Darshan (Viewing the Lingam):

  • Morning: 5:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Evening: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Abhishek Puja (Ritual Bath of the Lingam):

  • Timing: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
  • Note: All four doors are open during this time.

Aarti (Fire Ritual):

  • Timing: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Temple Closure:

  • Noon: The temple is closed for cleaning and maintenance between noon and 5:00 PM.

Special Timings:

  • Festivals: The temple may have special timings during festivals like Shivaratri and Dashain.
  • Private Pujas: Private pujas can be arranged outside regular timings with prior permission.

Pashupatinath Temple Aarti Timings:

Pashupatinath Temple Aarti, a mesmerizing fire ritual, takes place twice daily:

  • Morning Aarti: 5:00 AM – 6:00 AM
  • Evening Aarti: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Pashupatinath Temple Puja Rate

Pashupatinath Temple offers various pujas, each with its unique significance and cost. Here’s a breakdown of the approximate costs for different pujas:

General Pujas:

  • Panchmrit Puja: NPR 2,100 (approximately $16 USD)
  • Panchmrit Puja with Balbhog: NPR 3,100 (approximately $24 USD)
  • Rudrabhishek and Panchmrit Puja with Balbhog: NPR 7,500 (approximately $58 USD)

Special Pujas:

  • Laghurudrabhishek and Panchmrit Puja with Purabhog: NPR 15,100 (approximately $114 USD)
  • Rudrabhishek, Panchmrit Puja with Purabhog & One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Deep Aarati (Sawa lakh batti): NPR 27,000 (approximately $202 USD)
  • Panchmrit Puja with Purabhog, Hawan & One Hunderd Twenty Five Thousand Deep Aarati (Sawa lakh batti): NPR 56,000 (approximately $420 USD)
  • Daily Nitya Puja with Purabhog, participating with devotees: NPR 1,56,000 (approximately $1,160 USD)
  • Ekdiwasiya Maharudri: NPR 2,51,000 (approximately $1,880 USD)
  • Ekadas Diwasiya Maharudri: NPR 800,001 (approximately $6,000 USD)
  • Ekadas Diwasiya Atirudri: NPR 25,00,000 (approximately $18,740 USD)

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